The Nordic philosophy of equality is a salient factor behind Finland's high PISA scores. Equality of opportunity, the philosophy of equity, and especially a commitment towards decreasing low achievement play a significant role in Finland's PISA outcomes. Finland's PISA scores show a narrow gap between high and low scorers on the literacy scale; furthermore, low scorers in Finland score higher than many of their counterparts in other OECD countries. Finnish schools have the smallest variation between each other in the OECD. This equality also stretches across geography, meaning there is very little difference between rural and urban schools, and across regions such as North or South.
The principle of equality also clarifies the low impact of socio-economic background of Finnish students compared to other OECD countries. The standard of equity also permeates the philosophy of the Finnish comprehensive school, with homogenous grouping and non-selective entry. Finnish students also show some of the smallest differences between weak and strong students in PISA.
Finnish students have achieved this with less time in school than students in the OECD countries, and with average expenditure.
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