The notes from his presentation are as follows:
PISA framework 2006 had a science emphasis, measuring knowledge about science and the knowledge about the use of science. For example:
- identification of scientific issues
- explanation of phenomena
- drawing of evidence-based conclusions
- open or closed answer
- different competencies
- knowledge categories
- application area
- setting
- sample question, Level 3, about acid rain. 65% of Finnish students correctly answered the question, while 43% at the OECD average
- Finland -- 70 points above the OECD average
- 70 points is approximately one proficiency level
- Scandinavian countries are close to the OECD average. Why? The Finnish answer: teacher training, students try harder, they take PISA seriously, fewer empty answers. The Scandinavian answer: Finnish teaching methods are old fashioned
- Finland -- few low achievers
- Scandinavia -- performance even on all 6 levels
- Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Korea -- profile similar to Finland's
- UK, USA, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, France -- opposite profile to Finland's
- Finland -- low variation between schools
- Germany, Czech Republic -- high variation between schools
- e.g. Germany -- already differentiation at the age of PISA testing (15)
- if PISA took place one year later, Finland would have a bigger difference within the age group
- high human development index leads to less interest in school
- Finland's interest in science lower than OECD level
- science teaching from teacher education, local curriculum, learning materials
- Finland's national curriculum, textbooks, teacher training, responsible for high scores in PISA scientific literacy
- Japan -- juku responsible
- consistent and long-term policy
- commitment to a knowledge society
- equality e.g. effective special education
- local power of education
- culture of trust in the education system
- budget: Finland 65.3%, OECD average 53.2%
- discipline: Finland 96%, OECD average 80.5%
- access: Finland 97%, OECD average 76%
- school size: Finland (less than 20 students) 50%, OECD average 47% of class size 21-25 students
- 91.7% pubic schools
- OECD: 82.7%
- 97.5% reported that 99% of funding came from the government
- 64.3% of students not divided by ability
- grades 1-4 -- integrated curriculum: environment and natural studies, 9 hours per week
- grades 5-6 -- integrated curriculum: Biology/geography - 1.5 hours per week; Physics and Chemistry - 1 hour per week
- grades 7-9 -- separate curriculum
- grades 10-12 -- separate curriculum
- Korea -- primary - integrated, 2 hours per week
- much of content reflected in PISA
- separate science at grades 7-9
- PISA - lifelong learning capacity
- OECD definition of literacy fits well with science goals in Finland
- often responsible for most of the teaching
- good in Finland
- many contextual relationships in textbooks
- e.g. science and humans, science and society
- subject teachers (grade 7-9, upper secondary) study one major and one minor e.g. math and Chemistry
- primary teachers (grade 1-6) study 13 subjects
- subject teacher education 3+2 years (3 years Bachelor's, 2 years Master's)
- BA/BS - major and minor studies -- similar to other students, begin pedagogy and communication studies
- MA/MS level - e.g. history of science, pedagogical theory (undertaken at the university), teaching practice (schools), thesis (either in the subject or in pedagogy)
- 11 faculties, 6 have teacher education
- work together to plan the teacher education curriculum
- subject knowledge and skills
- pedagogical knowledge and skills
- competence for continuous professional development
- not much research
- some research after LUMA
- Norris et al. (1996) -- teacher's pedagogy conservative, traditional, lots of practical work
- Simola (2005) -- teachers supported by trust in teachers, "traditional" role believed in and accepted
- Pehkonen, Antee, and Lavonen (2007) -- education policy, national core curriculum, teacher education, students good understanding in reading
- Aho, Pitkanen, and Sahlberg -- stable environment, educational reform, comprehensive school, interaction of education with other sectors
- obvious reasons:
- Finnish culture -- trust in education, status of teachers
- education policy -- widely accepted vision of knowledge-based society, devolution of power, trust
- comprehensive school -- goals for science education and textbooks, headmaster as pedagogical director, school practice e.g. lunch, special education
- teacher education -- the old fashioned way, respected, 5 year training
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