The notes from the speech:
Preliminary remarks on PISA:
- neither all good nor all bad
- has strengths and limitations
- can answer some questions but is silent on others
- one piece of the puzzle of evidence-based educational policy and practice
- strengths and limitations regarding immigrant students
- issue of immigrants
- schools a central role in integration
- immigrant students lag behind others
- potential of PISA: How successful are immigrant students in school? What determines their achievement?
- limitations of PISA: What can be done to improve the situation?
- temporary immigrants post-World War II: "guest workers," asylum, refugees -- expected to return home
- ethnic Germans from USSR and Eastern Europe: granted citizenship
- no good data on immigration of that time
- 2000: accepted that Germany is a country of immigrants
- PISA: 22% of students have an immigrant background, e.g. Turkey, Eastern Europe, other (52%)
- immigrants not as academically successful: vocational school 44% non-German, Gymnasium 14% non-German
- tracking patterns? Does it discriminate against immigrants? Differences in achievement -- specifically with German language skills
- determinants of educational success of immigrants: national/societal level, system level, school type - which track?, community level, school level, classroom level, teacher level, student and family level
- do students who live and learn in segregated settings achieve less than those in an integrated environment? More influence from students of lower socio-economic status, except Turkish students, especially in schools with over 40% Turkish students
- reading literacy effects (immigration) biggest influence of another language at home. First vs. Second generation -- improvement in all groups except for students of Turkish or Italian background
- bilingual support: immersion vs. transitional programs. Explicit approach: summer camp settings, focus on form, grammar lessons. Implicit approach: drama lessons. The explicit group performed better, but not in a statistically significant manner.
- studies like PISA provide important comparative information on the situation of immigrant students
- data like this can help identify determinants of success at this level
- immigrants need targeted second-language support
- interventions should be clearly defined and start early
- more research is needed
that would be interesting to read