The notes are as follows:
This gives a public policy and political science perspective on the matter.
- intelligence testing
- international testing
- PISA in the Canadian context
- PISA in the knowledge network
- analysis of education in the international context
- transnational governance - a web of transnational networks - operating at different scales
- "scientization" takes out politics
- political interests
- circulation of ideas
- PISA - active implementation on all levels, e.g. ideas of how schools should be run, boomerang pattern of networks
Rise of Education at the OECD
- 1990s - central to OECD work
- renewed interest in human capital theory - the necessary skills to compete in society
- 2002 - Directorate of Education
- educational governance - neo-liberal policies, e.g. competition, parental choice, testing (high-stakes)
- American influence - focus on the indicators of quality of education, e.g. A Nation at Risk, wanted a comparison with similar economies
- link with adult literacy and human capital, e.g. Statistics Canada and ETS adopted by PISA
- creation of PISA
- OECD replaced UNESCO and IEA as leader of education
- 1995 - Lahti, Finland - "strategy of student achievement analysis"
- PISA an exclusive network, e.g. OECD - exclusive economies, educational experts and researchers, governing board and policy makers
- 1990s trend towards large scale assessments
- cultural bias
- OECD needed to get educational expertise: tendering process with Borgogne, ACER, and IEA. ACER won, turned into International Consortium
- PISA creators - advocating a different outcome of education, but not prescribing what to teach
- PISA infrastructure - administration, analysis, and dissemination of results
- Media coverage - "naming and shaming"
- "naming and shaming" - rankings, league tables
- results inform OECD reports
- domestic policy influence
- Federal government - little control over compulsory education
- Federal interest - learning, development skills for a knowledge-based economy, transition from school to work supports PISA, not IEA tests
- Provincial interest - performance of compulsory education systems, curricular outcomes
- Provinces/Territories
- National - SAIP, PCAP
- International - PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS
- international benchmarking
- linkages across assessments - promise of improving provincial assessments
- international tests cannot capture the complexities of learning
- PISA - reinforces a scientific and technical approach to politics of education
- grown to inform educational policy
- has stopped public debate use international testing as a basis for education policy
- democratic vision of school can come from the ordinary
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