Here are the notes from the speech:
- technologies of power surveillance
- impacts of testing: high-stakes and low-stakes
Unintended consequences of policy developments:
- what are they?
- need to watch them
- no one sets out to damage, but unintended consequences do that
- alliances: neo-liberal, neo-conservative, neo-Middle class
- accountability
- measurement
Policy of testing in Ireland
- began in 2008 with 7/8 year olds and 11/12 year olds
- results not centrally collated - within schools
- reviewed during Whole School Inspection
- must report scores to parents
- vertical system of testing
- 15 year olds and 18 year olds subject to more standardized testing
- small schools
- 8 schools have less than 50 students, 291 schools had greater than 500 students, and 238 students had 300-499 students.
- voluntary secondary schools in Ireland: privately owned, charge fees but publicly funded, Catholic or the Church of Ireland
- community and comprehensive schools
- vocational schools with a working class profile
General trends:
- commitment to knowledge economy
- commitment to education
Ireland in PISA:
- above average in math and science
- 5th or 6th place in reading
PISA 2006 Ireland:
- 165 schools randomly selected
- mix from different schools, e.g. secondary, vocational
- 4585 students
- 5 different grades (Irish 1-5)
- high level of agreement to participate
- Reading Literacy Level 1 or below: 12.2% (OECD average: 20.1%)
- Science Literacy Level 1 or below: 15.3%
Socio-economic groups and testing:
- language and linguistic discontinuity
- choice of language use intended or unintended?
- social class achievement in PISA: working class - lower achievement, middle class - higher achievement
- curriculum vs. culture
- multiple-choice answers - linguistic choices of the working class
Research on PISA 2009 - "PISA girls"
- disadvantaged, inner-city girls
- "opportunistic" sampling
- didn't know what the test was looking for
- Principal talked about the timing and the intensity of the process
- school PISA coordinator talked of "students wilting," "too intense" process, "what monster is this feeding," "rat in a lab" scenario
- ticking the boxes just to "get rid of it"
- girls' view - upset by answering questionnaires about lifestyle
- impact on engagement - interested at first, but then just ticking boxes
- issues of confidentiality - names of booklets
- didn't try as hard because of not getting results back
- the need for calculators - five grade levels in the room. Students were too embarrassed to ask for calculators
- personal nature of items on questionnaires: too "nosy," felt swayed by the socio-economic nature of questions
- negative sense of self: not willing to write about their parents' professions, some lied, bias of jobs listed for parents - not "normal" jobs in a deprived area
- need to engage with student perspectives on the testing process
- need to dig deeper an enrich our understanding of socio-economic level
- need to consider the impact of socio-economic status